Apparently, with that title, I’m starting to refer to myself in the third person. You may have noticed a lack of content these last few weeks. It’s mostly because I’m lazy, partly because I’m busy. I frequently tell my students that skills they may want to develop on the side are web development and coding. I recently had a group of students call me out on the fact that I don’t know much in the world of coding and web development myself, despite espousing its benefits. I agreed that I was being somewhat hypocritical…not uncommon for me. I decided this semester to further my education a bit. This month I’ve resolved to finally put my money where my mouth is, joining a few students in a web development course on the campus where I teach.
It’s a one month course, requiring hours of extra work everyday. So, it means that VFB is on hold until its conclusion. You’d like to think that obtaining web development certifications would vastly improve both the site and podcast. That, as we know, is likely a laughable thought.
Rest assured, I’ll be back to pushing out new, mediocre content in February. I actually have a few projects and interviews I’m really excited to share. New reviews will also be published. I’m still trying to answer the question, “Why did I stay at Excalibur again?”
I’ll still be around on Twitter and FB, trying to get blocked by Darren Rovell like I did Robin Leach. See you in a couple weeks!
Good luck! Looking forward to the return of the podcast.
Thanks! The next show will go up on Feb. 5th. I have a great guest in that episode, so I’m looking forward to airing it!